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Author Manual
Themes Guide

$processor$: sitemap

Sitemap in FPM.ftd
-- fpm.sitemap:

# Section: section/url/

# If Section: Has A Colon In The Name
url: sectionURL

## Sub Section: sub/url/

## If Sub Section: Has A Colon In The Name
url: whatever

- ToC Item: toc/
The sitemap get parse into a record sitemap-data. This record is present in fpm The record looks like this
record sitemap-data (fpm.ftd)
-- record sitemap-data:
toc-item list sections:
toc-item list subsections:
toc-item list toc:
optional toc-item current-section:
optional toc-item current-subsection:
optional toc-item current-page:

-- record toc-item:
optional string title:
optional string url:
optional string font-icon:
optional string img-src:
boolean is-heading:
boolean is-disabled:
boolean is-active: false
toc-item list children:

The record sitemap-data contains sections, subsections and toc. For different document these values would be different. We can get this values by calling the sitemap processor which returns the value of sitemap-data type.

Note: nav-title override for any page can be specified in sitemap, if specified, the current-* will use the overriden titles.